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An Apple ID Owner? Be Careful, You are Targeted by Scammers

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BOSTON, Massachusetts – According to the Better Business Bureau (BBB), a new email is getting common among people which notifies about a recent iTunes purchase and it is linked to your Apple ID.

You have read the email but don’t remember about the purchase? That’s because you maybe didn’t even make that purchase, but it’s okay, in the email, it’s saying that there are instructions on how to cancel the order if it’s not yours. And what are the instructions? Of course! Opening the attached file.

The first thing you do is to click “yes” or “open,” because you don’t give a second thought about what purchase is this or when I did that I don’t remember. However, keep in mind that in every situation like that you need and must give a second thought and think, “Wait a minute, what action is this?”

Signs of the Apple ID Scam

In this kind of emails, there are always signs leading to a scam.

Pay attention to the format. It doesn’t even have your name on it, and it’s not something to be shocked about. It is a sign of a scam.

Also, the next thing is paying attention to the grammar and word spelling, in case of some errors, they also can be a sign of a scam.

One of the most important ones to pay attention to is, “Open the Attached File” phrase, it is a major red flag for a legit email.

Never believe that!

There are different ways to do phishing nowadays, and you can’t just check them daily to be true they are legit because some of the scammers have all the needed ways to take other companies’ logos and everything.

So, in this case, Apple offers some ways to avoid the scamming. A legit purchase from the actual company will include a link which will lead to the actual website and not to an unknown website filled with unknown content.

Never do anything with that kind of fake websites, do your purchases or any other personal or financial info update on the actual website of the company.

Calling the company can be a rescue if you are not sure if it’s an actual email or not.

Be careful and take care of your data!

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