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Bentley GT Speed Is Sharp To The Touch: Cuts To The Chase

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When Bentley releases a Speed version of any model in their armada, it’s meant to say that they have the potential to go faster than any man has ever gone before. And with the mounting competition that comes from other British automakers, it may come as no surprise that Bentley themselves are settling the standards when they come to acceleration towards glory.

The latest model in their line of Speed is the GT Speed. And it basically overcomes the quick-as-is-Continental GT W12. This is attributed to the 24-horsepower increase. Which in turn also produces a similar torque peak of 664 pound-feet. The Speed is even said to have a tenth of a second headstart.

There are more changes to the Bentley GT Speed than meets the eye. For instance, the Speed happens to be the first Continental to have rear-wheel steering to all at once respond well with the high-speed qualifications that the American public asks of Bentley.

And Bentley truly does know how to put on a speed show. Their vehicles are some of the most recognizable in all of Britain. With luxury and speed combined, they truly know how to put on a good show.

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