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Sweet Seeming Pills Seized in New England Drug Bust

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The fentanyl pills were made to mimic the appearance of these candies.
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A gang task force made a massive drug bust in Massachusetts last week. The bust is thought to have been the largest in New England history to have occurred in one location. They found over 220 pounds of drugs in a home in Lynn, Massachusetts. Children live in the home in which the bust happened.

Approximately 228 pounds of various drugs were recovered in the bust. This included fentanyl, methamphetamine, and fake Adderall. The total amount of the drugs made up over ten million doses. This total means that there were more doses of drugs found in this bust than residents there are in Massachusetts. The 228 pounds holds approximately $8 million in street value.

Additionally, five guns and thousands of dollars in cash were found in the home as well.

Massachusetts’ top federal prosecutor, Joshua Levy, is working the case and delivered a press conference report of the bust. He stated that most of the drugs recovered from the scene of the crime were heart-shaped pills meant to mimic the appearance of Valentine’s Day sweetheart candies. The pills tested positive for fentanyl. This means these mimic pills may already be on the streets, tricking children and naïve/unsuspecting adults. Levy called this a “very frightening development” in drug trading operations.

The FBI were heavily involved in this investigation as they anticipated a large bust for the gang connection they were investigating. The FBI Director, Christopher Wray, released a statement in which he talked about the brevity of the bust. Not only was it one of the largest in New England history, but it also revealed a new reality they have to prepare for with future investigations. They candy-like drugs pose an extremely dangerous threat as they just paint the drug as more appealing to younger people.

The North Shore Gang Task Force was the specific team that oversaw the bust. This task force combines federal, state, and local law enforcement teams. It is one of 160 violent gang task forces of this nature.

They advised people to be extra wary of pills they are buying on the street.

According to a study, six people die daily in Massachusetts. The state has been one hit hard by the opioid epidemic, specifically the town of Lynn. The investigators hope that they removed a large chunk of the supply to disrupt the drug sales in the streets.

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