BOSTON, Massachusetts — Governor Charlie Baker has ordered all non-essential state offices closed for the day as the second heavy storm winds down in Massachusetts. As hundreds of thousands have no power, the Governor needs to make decisions quickly and decisively. Luckily, it looks as though he’s doing exactly that.
The Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency reported that more than 360,000 customers across the state were without power as of 9 a.m. The storm produced heavy, wet snow that brought down tree limbs and power lines.
MEMA reported numerous road closures due to fallen tree limbs. The speed limit on the Massachusetts Turnpike was reduced to 40 mph between the New York state border and Interstate 495. If you live in the area, you should expect these closures and slowdowns to continue for the foreseeable future. After all, cleanup is hard to do while there’s still significant snow falling. Massachusetts will feel the effects of this major storm for quite some time.
What Are the Effects of the Heavy Storm?
There were no immediate reports of major coastal flooding from the latest storm. That’s a huge relief, as previous nor’easters wreaked havoc on the east coast due to massive flooding. At least this time, the damage will only be from snow and rain. That damage may still wind up quite significant, but it won’t be as bad as flooding would be.
Thursday morning’s high tide did not compromise any of the sea walls that were damaged in last week’s nor’easter, nor did it affect the improvised armoring of sections where it had breached, Duxbury Fire said.
The Republican is also asking residents to stay off the roads if possible. Hundreds of schools canceled classes for the day and most courts delayed opening until 10 a.m. Thursday. Bostonians, stay safe during the storm by staying home!